Show General Rules

GENERAL RULES amended 2017 12 12

  1. Rules & Regulations

    1. These General Rules take precedence over all General Regulations and Supplementary Regulations.

    2. The General Regulations apply to all sections of the Show.

    3. The Supplementary Regulations apply only to the section of the Show to which they specifically relate.

    4. Should there be an inconsistency between the General Regulations and Supplementary Regulations, the Supplementary Regulations prevail for the relevant section only.

  2. All persons who enter the Showground:

    1. Do so at their own risk.

    2. Shall comply with all relevant Federal, State & Local laws, regulations and orders, and the Bathurst Agricultural Horticultural and Pastoral Association (hereinafter called the Association) Rules and Regulations, Traffic & Pedestrian Management Plan and Health & Safety Policy.

    3. Are advised that the roadways within Showground become public roads for the duration of the annual Royal Bathurst Show.

  3. The Association may at any time make changes to these rules, regulations, the program, and/or the names of Judges or Stewards set out in a schedule, catalogue or similar document.

  4. The Association and staff members and officials of the Association shall not be held responsible or be liable for any error, misstatement or misdescription appearing in any schedule, catalogue, entry form, advertisement, notification, post or similar document.

  5. The exhibition will take place on the Bathurst Showground or wherever the Show Council may appoint. The Show Council reserves the right at any time to postpone the exhibition or any event thereof in consequence of the inclemency of the weather or for any other sufficient cause to date or dates deemed suitable by the Show Council and no entrance fees shall be returnable in the event of such postponement. The reasonableness of the cause or causes of postponement shall be decided by the Show Council and its judgment shall be conclusive and not open to question by an exhibitor or other person affected by the postponement.

  6. The Show Council may abandon the exhibition or any event thereof through wet weather or, for any other reason which may make such a course advisable in its opinion. Should the exhibition or any event be abandoned or cancelled, exhibitors shall be entitled to a return of the entrance fee paid in such event or events as may be cancelled, but no cause or action, liability or obligation shall be maintainable or be incurred by the Show Council or by the Association by reason of such abandonment or cancellation.



    1. All Pavilions are closed to the public, exhibitors, and competitors until the first day of the Show.

    2. On each day of the Show the public will be admitted at the published time. For any person leaving the ground, a Pass-Out stamp, if required, will be issued. If reissue of a ticket is required for any reason a Statutory Declaration will be requested to be made.

    3. Any member alleged to have committed misconduct which may bring the Association into discredit shall be dealt with according to the Constitution of the Association.

    4. Sale of Exhibits

      1. The sale of any exhibits whilst located on the Showground over the advertised dates of the Show shall only proceed with written approval of the Association’s Secretary.  A request to conduct a sale is to be lodged with the Secretary 7 days prior to the first advertised day of the Show for that year.

      2. The supervision and control of a sale shall be in the hands of the Committee of Sales, appointed by the Show Council.

    5. The sale of any exhibits shall be as defined in the conditions of the section. A commission of at least five per cent (5%) shall be paid by each vendor upon the gross proceeds on all sales affected by him/her of exhibits, whether by auction or private treaty and any particulars of such sales, together with a remittance of the amount of the commission, shall be handed to the Secretary by 5.30pm on the last day of the Show.

    6. A maximum of one (1) award of excellence may be authorised by Show Council each year to an outstanding exhibitor from any section of the Show.

    7. The annual subscription of members shall be determined by the Show Council no sooner than six (6) calendar months before the first day of the forthcoming membership year (January to December). Members shall have the right of membership until the 31st December each year. New members, on payment of one year’s subscription, have rights of membership for year including the next Annual Show at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

    8. The following are the privileges of membership:

      1. Admission to the Showground to the Annual Show on production of the appropriate Members Ticket.

      2. Concession on entry fees for exhibits where provided for in the show schedule.

      3. The right to attend all general meetings of members of the Association and to speak and vote on any subject on the agenda for that meeting.

      4. The right to attend any Show Council Meeting and with the permission of the Chairman, speak on any subject, but shall not be entitled to vote at such Show Council Meeting.

      5. With the exception of Junior Members, the right to vote at all the general meetings of the Association.

      6. To be eligible to vote at the Association’s Annual General Meeting or Special Meetings, a Member must be a Financial Member of the Association for at least three (3) months prior to that meeting.


    1. MEMBERS

      1. Full Members on payment of $84.00 (incl. GST) shall be issued one Full ticket of membership, not transferable, and two Guests of Member tickets.  Single Members, on payment of $44.00 (incl. GST) shall be issued with one ticket of Membership, not transferable, and Junior Membership (under the age of 16 years) on payment of $22.00 (incl. GST) shall be issued with one ticket of Membership, not transferable. Holders of current Show membership tickets and Guest tickets will be admitted to the ground on surrender of the appropriate ticket for the day in question.


      1. Refer to the current Admission Packages.